Logo Concept + Creation


Based on your brand discovery questions + consult, you will receive 2-3 designs ideas of one concept, we will then go through and narrow in on one concept to finalize! For scheduling & design, allow 1-2 business weeks for total process.

$60/ Hour normally $75 /hr

You will receive files prepared for print & web. Editable files are not included.

Don’t know much about your Brand Goals? Go back to or purchase BRAND DISCOVERY to crack open what your brand looks like, feels like and walks like.

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Based on your brand discovery questions + consult, you will receive 2-3 designs ideas of one concept, we will then go through and narrow in on one concept to finalize! For scheduling & design, allow 1-2 business weeks for total process.

$60/ Hour normally $75 /hr

You will receive files prepared for print & web. Editable files are not included.

Don’t know much about your Brand Goals? Go back to or purchase BRAND DISCOVERY to crack open what your brand looks like, feels like and walks like.

Based on your brand discovery questions + consult, you will receive 2-3 designs ideas of one concept, we will then go through and narrow in on one concept to finalize! For scheduling & design, allow 1-2 business weeks for total process.

$60/ Hour normally $75 /hr

You will receive files prepared for print & web. Editable files are not included.

Don’t know much about your Brand Goals? Go back to or purchase BRAND DISCOVERY to crack open what your brand looks like, feels like and walks like.